- • Based on the needs and expectations of the related party (Internal/External Context) and customer satisfaction, to identify changing demands in a timely manner, to respond quickly to demands, to realize and deliver projects on time, to offer quality products/services and competitive prices,
- • To adopt customer satisfaction as the basic principle, to offer the best products and services to its customers in terms of quality, information and technical service.
- • To come to the position of an exemplary company by respecting the environment and giving confidence to its users.
- • To support and maintain quality improvement efforts with the participation of all employees.
- • To make a reasonable price policy and honesty understanding a discipline in all its employees in accordance with international competition conditions.
- • To adopt the basic method and principle of CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT and “doing the job right the first time”.
- • It is our quality policy to adopt and implement the principle of CONTINUOUS EDUCATION.
- • In this direction, we, as NASA BİLGİ İŞLEM, undertake to set our Quality Targets, to constantly review our targets and to disseminate this policy among all our employees, and to comply with the requirements of the quality management system, national and international standards as the Management.
Genel Müdür
KP.01: 15.12.2008/(01-04.05.2018)